Friday, August 12, 2011

Spices & Weight Loss

With what could be a new turn for the better in the weight loss and dieting campaigns of millions of individuals worldwide, experts suggest that spices can influence weight loss – and in a domineering way at that!

Some of the spices such as cinnamon, mustard or turmeric are usually not used in the conventional Western dishes, but are commonplace in South Asian or Mediterranean dishes. With spices being an inherent ingredient in almost all of the Asian food items, a lot of weight loss characteristics have been uncovered in the same, which possibly refers to being one of the reasons why these continents have lesser percentage of obese men and women than in America. 

Cinnamon, for instance, has a sweetening flavor and also promotes blood circulation. This means that while it keeps you away from desserts that are equal to cyanide for obese people, they also help absorb body fat faster and do away with the broadening waistlines. 

Turmeric and mustard (the latter being a great substituent for mayonnaise or jam spreads) can help keep your metabolism rate up and yet act as a great weight management system – especially as they contain 1/10th of the calories that the processed foods they substitute contain!

If you are going through an appetite suppression program with the help of pure Hoodia Gordonii supplements, you can accentuate the impact of these hoodia tablets with the help of diets that include such weight loss-inducing spices in the food you take!

Go on and try some, mate!

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