Monday, October 25, 2010

Does Christmas Make You Fat?

Christmas, the festival to eat, enjoy and be merry. But for those who are on diet, the approaching Christmas can really make them feel nervous. Often our diet schedule is disrupted and we cannot prevent us from digging on to the delicious cakes, pies, sweet meats which results in adding some more pounds on to our meaty body.

But not now you can have an answer to your food craving this Christmas. You can now control your hunger with a natural appetite suppressant. These natural fillers fools your brain by creating a filling effect and so you do not have the desire to over eat even if the table is loaded with all your favorite dishes. So you can enjoy your Christmas without the tension of putting on some extra pounds.

These natural appetite suppressants not only curbs your appetite but also increase the rate of your metabolism and burns excess fat. So, now you need not worry about putting on some pesky pounds during the holidays but on the contrary can loose some before the festive season sets on.

I am sure, now the natural weight loss products will surely find the top position in your Christmas shopping list. Let me know if I am right…

And happy shopping!!

How to Choose a Great Diet?

A great diet is not made up of only vegetables and fish cod. The best diets allow you to enjoy your time at the dinner table without you putting on more calories than you can afford to burn.

Often we find obese people stuck with diet charts that are not only irritating, but atrocious as well. Choose a diet that you can savor, and relax while you do so since you know that the fat you are taking in, will burn out before you can breathe tomorrow!

However, choosing a great diet is not such a cakewalk after all (speaking of cake, wouldn’t you love to have it on the diet as well?!). What you need is to put up the strictest of diet charts up before you, and add a cherished bit of pastry and fries here and there.

The best diets are the ones that include food that you love, with a pre-condition that they need to be healthy as well. For instance, junk food is big no-no if you need to tone down your bulging belly – but adding a pastry for the bittersweet taste of chocolate is not that great a sin, is it?!

Whatever you do, learn to enjoy your diet and weight loss regimen, rather than waging a war with it. For even with weight loss supplements like hoodia gordonii supplements et al, it is only the ones that enjoy their weight loss exercise who win!

Friday, October 8, 2010

How to Induce Weight Loss in Kids!

Kids may be the most blessed gifts for a couple, as well as for the whole neighborhood itself! However, an increasing problem with kids these days is obesity, and it seems that the world is slowly realizing that puppy fat that withered away as the kids grew older, is not withering away at all.

In fact, the ‘sweet’ fat that parents tend to ignore when the kids are barely crawling become a headache when they become epitomes of intense obesity as the latter grow up. And as the news of the age proves, obesity can cause a large number of problems in kids as well – with some being slow growth, slower reactions and more serious illnesses like blood pressure issues, cardiac problems et al.

 So what do you feed the kids that restrain them from becoming mounds of living fat? The easiest way to stop this trend of weight gain is to prohibit them from eating too much of any one thing. This especially works for things they love the most – for instance sweets, candy, butter, chocolate etc.

Shift to low-cal options without compromising on the nutritional element of the food products, Remember, you need to put your kids on a strict diet; but not starve them!

So instead of gifting your kids with potato chips, chocolates & sodas, make them eat fruits, vegetables and milk instead. And practice what you preach – go on a diet. For kids emulate their parents the best – and if you are a diet criminal, you cannot play the food police to your kids, right?!

You Can Lose Weight Even With Bread on Your Diet!

If you were on the obese side, chances are that the dieticians or the physician you were consulting has tuned off bread from your diet radar. However, for bread-lovers like you and me, this option is probably harder than being sent to work in prison camps!

Bread, considering the amount of calories it possesses along with the additional weight gain items that come with it (butter, jam, sugar, milk etc), can be really disadvantageous to your health and waistline in all.

However, fact remains that you can still contain that unnecessary flab without having to cut short your frenzied bites off the bread sandwiches. All you need to do is to turn a leaf (or loaf for that matter) in the book of your diet and change to brown bread instead.

The carbo-content goes down phenomenally in brown bread, albeit without killing the nourishing qualities of bread itself. As for controlling the undesired fat building up on the buttock and elsewhere, learn to take control. A fresh loaf of oven-baked bread might be temptation enough to lose your diet regimen in an instant.

On the other hand, having a bread sandwich for dinner may actually help you save some – one you indulge in that bread fantasy of yours. Two, you eat light, stopping at the sandwich and not venturing into any other main course item itself.

What do you reckon? Can you pull off a diet with bread in it? If you can, you will enjoy the pleasures of eating even with being on a strict diet regimen itself!